Monday, November 27, 2006

For the greetings to the you.

Hey hey Josh Josh and Gregory... And Imaj! Where are the rest of our classmates?
Hey Greg what's up in the Job depo? Ted said he saw you in StuB?
Josh Josh, what is your life like over in the East?
Imaj, how does it feel to be warmer than us? My fingers are cold.



At 1:19 PM, Blogger Emy Jo said...

I got hired at the University of California Santa Cruz to work in Admissions - reading applications, meeting prospective students, giving presentations at high schools and community colleges... That kind of thing. Mostly I just wanted to get cracking on my Master's Degree, and working at universities usually makes it cheaper to do so.

It feels pretty good to be warmer than yous guys. My fingers are cold, too, but that's just because of bad circulation.

Bret's applying for jobs. Right now.


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