Tuesday, November 28, 2006

(sausage) Links

I put some links up, but if you have links you'd like me to put up you can do one of three things:

Email them to me and I'll put them up
Post a comment and I'll put them up
Go to our blog's template, find the appropriate HTML code for the links, and do it yerself.

And LAURA. I am checking your homestead portfolio, and if I may give a suggestion: You need to resize your images, compress them, whatever. But I'm on a highspeed connection and your portfolio page took a good two minutes to load. So that's what I've got to say about that.

Monday, November 27, 2006

For the greetings to the you.

Hey hey Josh Josh and Gregory... And Imaj! Where are the rest of our classmates?
Hey Greg what's up in the Job depo? Ted said he saw you in StuB?
Josh Josh, what is your life like over in the East?
Imaj, how does it feel to be warmer than us? My fingers are cold.


Sunday, November 26, 2006


I did not take a job in animation. Take THAT, debt!

Weather... And stuff.

Just for those who aren't in Vancouver right now (at the moment, that would be Josh Josh and Imaj) that it is snowing great big fluffy snows all over the place. Has been since yesterday and it's actually started to pile up. We must have at least half an inch of wet, sticky, melty snow out there! It's very exciting.
Also, I'm doing the Flash test for Atomic... It's due tomorrow. Wish me luck! And talent and skill!


I don't know how else to add links just yet, so here are a few. If you've been checking your Royal Order, you've seen these.

The last one is supposedly my official website, but it's boring as heck. Also the blog doesn't reccognise it's amazing linking abilities, so you'd have to paste it into your addy bar if you wanted to go there.

My old friend, the First Blog.

Hello my lovelies. Isn't it nice to have this little space for ourselves, just as though we had never left our classroom? Except our classroom has becaome a lot flatter.